- Genetical and Biotechnological Research in 2000s. (Research and magazine)
You are expected to research on the biotechnological studies in our time and advantages and disadvantages of biotechnological studies and prepare a booklet. In the booklet, you should present examples of the following: “Stem cell”, “Genetically modified organisms, “Human Genom Project”, “Green Revolution”, “Cancer Treatment“, “in vitro fertilization”, etc.

- “Modelling the phases of meiosis” (Research and model)
You are expected to make research study on meiosis, model the phases of meiosis by using recycled materials, arrange a file which contains your research, drawings of each step for a chosen species and share your knowledge by discussing the importance of meiotic division for all species. (webpage, poster, booklet…)

- “Genetic Disorders research project” (Research and Booklet)
Many people are affected by genetic disorders, you are expected to choose a disorder that affects someone you know or because it is strange or interesting. The goal is to research the disorder and present recent research through a booklet you organize.

-“Modelling the phases of mitotic division” (Research and model)
You are expected to make research study on mitosis, model the phases of mitosis by using recycled materials, arrange a file which contains your research, drawings of each step for a chosen species and share your knowledge by discussing the importance of mitotic division for all species. (webpage, poster, booklet…)

- Research on Biodiversity Status and Endangered Animal Species in Turkey (Research and Booklet)
The objective of this project is to allow students to become familiar with biodiversity in Turkey and extinct species of animals in Turkey. You are expected to prepare a booklet on the biodiversity and extinct species of Turkey.

- Research on Biodiversity Status and Endemic plants in Turkey (Research and Booklet)
The objective of this project is to investigate the biodiversity status in Turkey and to raise awareness about endemic plants. Through your research, you will conduct scientific studies on at least 5 of the endemic plant species present in Turkey.

You may find the instructions and the criteria of the project topics on Google Classroom.


Pervin ÖZPEK - Aslı Özlem KAYGISIZ