1Are the school buildings earthquake-resistant?
You may find the here the technical report issued in November 2019 for each school building. According to the examinations and analysis, it was reported that each school building is strong and earthquake-resistant.
2What should I do after an earthquake?
Since the phone lines are locked after an earthquake, you should not call the school, you should wait for the messages to be sent you from the and act accordingly.
3How will I be informed about the situation of the school after an earthquake?
After an earthquake, we communicate with the parents via short message or Internet. The SMS will be sent directly to the parents from the school.
4If I want to pick up my child from the school after an earthquake, when will I pick him/her up?
If the students will be evacuated from the school after the earthquake, you should wait for the “You may pick up your child from the school” message to be sent by the school. The students will never be released earlier.
5If I want to pick up my child from the school after an earthquake, how will I pick him/her up?
If the students will be evacuated from the school after the earthquake, the persons to come to pick up the student will be asked to show their ID cards and parent statement in the Kindergarten and Primary School. Otherwise, the students will not be released. The
You may find the here the technical report issued in November 2019 for each school building. According to the examinations and analysis, it was reported that each school building is strong and earthquake-resistant.
What should I do after an earthquake?
Since the phone lines are locked after an earthquake, you should not call the school, you should wait for the messages to be sent you from the and act accordingly.
How will I be informed about the situation of the school after an earthquake?
After an earthquake, we communicate with the parents via short message or Internet. The SMS will be sent directly to the parents from the school.
If I want to pick up my child from the school after an earthquake, when will I pick him/her up?
If the students will be evacuated from the school after the earthquake, you should wait for the “You may pick up your child from the school” message to be sent by the school. The students will never be released earlier.
If I want to pick up my child from the school after an earthquake, how will I pick him/her up?
If the students will be evacuated from the school after the earthquake, the persons to come to pick up the student will be asked to show their ID cards and parent statement in the Kindergarten and Primary School. Otherwise, the students will not be released. The person to pick up a child from the middle school and high school must show their ID cards and parent statement as well. If the parents do not have their ID cards and parent statement, the students will be asked if they know the person and if they want to go with him/her. If the student knows the person and wants to go with him/her, the parent will be asked to sign the list and the student will be released. The students who come to the school by walk may leave from the school on their own. The parents who come to pick up their student from the school are expected not to walk into the campus and help to make sure that no chaos is caused in the student release points. The students whose parents have not come will be released to the law enforcement officers in accordance with the school’s Crisis Management Center decision.
6Will my child who uses the school bus be taken home by the school bus after the earthquake?
The parents will be informed by the school via messages about whether their child will be taken home by the school bus or not according to the situation of the traffic and the damage caused by the earthquake.
7What will happen if the earthquake hits when my child is on the school bus?
If the school buses are close to the school, they will come to the school. If the school buses are close to the students’ homes, the drivers and bus attendants will try to leave the students home. If it is not possible to take the students home, the buses will park safely, and they will wait with the students. You will know in what part of the service route your child is and you will be able to pick up your students from there without wasting time to go to the school. The students will be released to the parents with a form. The person to come to pick up the student from the school bus will be asked to prove that the student knows him/her and to show his/her ID card.
8What is your school’s earthquake crisis management system?
It is managed according to TED Istanbul College Foundation Private Schools Earthquake Crisis Management system. Click Earthquake Crisis Management System for detailed information. We have a Crisis Management Center (CMC) to deal with any emergency and crisis situations including an earthquake. This center takes all the decisions regarding the procedures to apply during and after an earthquake. There is a person and an assistant in charge of each building on the campus. These persons make sure that the decisions made by the CMC are implemented in the buildings. The persons in charge of the floors in the buildings and their assistants are in charge of having the decisions implemented.
9What are rapid response teams in the school?
We have evacuation, fire extinguishing, protection, rescue, first aid, emergency communication, energy control, logistic support, psychological support, and student release teams that work in cases of disasters such as earthquake, fire, etc. The teams are leaded by the CMC. Click Team Photos to see the teams. The teams are provided training as planned by the Crisis Management Center. To see the training photos, click Training photos
10Do you have the emergency equipment in the school?
There are 2 Emergency Stations and 1 Emergency Information Technologies Center in the school. The No 1 Emergency Station, also named as the Earthquake Container, is equipped with the tools and materials to be used by the rapid response teams. These tools are materials are controlled every year and if necessary, they are replaced. The No 2 Emergency Station, also named as Food Store, is equipped with the dry foods and water enough to serve hot meal to the entire campus when necessary. The foods in this station are periodically controlled to see if they are fresh. To see the photos of the emergency stations, click Emergency Stations. The spare server located in the Emergency Information Technologies Center keeps the backup files.
11Do you give training to the children about what to do in case of earthquake in the school?
Several posters are displayed around the school that show the students what to do in the garden, corridor, conference hall, cafeteria, and classrooms in case of an earthquake. To see the photos of the posters, click Poster photos. In addition, earthquake drills are held twice a year with the participation of the students and employees. Also, presentations are made to inform the students.
12Do you have a plan for the boarding school?
Since the boarding students will be in the school during daytime, they will follow the same procedure with the other students. The teachers to be in charge of the dormitory after school will act in accordance with the Boarding School Earthquake Crisis Management Plan. Furthermore, the voluntary boarding students are provided certified first-aid training, rescue training, and fire extinguishing training.