What are the graduates of TED İstanbul College like?
- The graduates of TED Istanbul College are self-confident individuals with a strong vision and they are capable of making their decisions independently. They also have the sense of self-control.
- They have love and respect for themselves and the others.
- They have respect for effort and differences.
- They have a democratic frame of mind.
- They are honest and have a strong sense of justice.
- They are optimistic, modest, and empathetic.
- They are helpful and right-minded.
- They are at peace with themselves and the others, they have strong communication skills and they are capable of establishing strong relationships.
- They know how to be happy and peaceful with what they have.
- They have a strong sense of responsibility.
- They know about themselves and use their potential correctly.
- They can assume and properly fulfill responsibilities.
- They have ideals.
- They are open to change and innovation and they can adapt themselves well.
- They are tolerant.
- They have a good sense of humor.
- They have a rich imagination and they are creative.
- They are always solution oriented.
- They are enterprising and productive.
- They are not afraid of making mistakes; they know how to learn from their mistakes and they aim not to repeat the same mistake.
- They have team spirit.
- They are open to feedback.
- They protect the national and universal values.
- They have a strong sense of curiosity; they enjoy and know how to learn.
- They have strong investigation and inquiry skills.
- They have acquired the scientific thinking skills.
- They have adopted scientific thinking.
- They are capable of transferring and transforming knowledge.
- They can produce new information based on what they already know.
- They have high-level reading, writing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
- Attention is paid to ensure that the student and parent profile is compatible with the school’s academic structure and culture.
- Each academic group adopts the principle of learning by experience.
- The individual properties of the students are identified and the curricular and extracurricular activities are designed and followed up with accordingly.
- The students are provided guidance to identify their academic goals.
- The students are provided guidance about how to study.
- The classroom activities are designed by considering the differences in learning styles.
- Building a culture of behavior is encouraged in the class in cooperation with the students.
- TED Istanbul College curricula that encompass the objectives of the Ministry of Education’s curricula are created in an integrated and cross-curricular way.
- Each course is taught by using the methods and techniques intended to instill the critical thinking skills.
- The research techniques are taught in an age-appropriate manner by considering the features of the subject matter.
- The samples from each branch are used in a synthesized fashion in the Turkish classes to instill the fundamental skills of graphic reading and paragraph reading in the students.
- The academic knowledge is reinforced by the examples from the global or national agenda as much as the program allows.
- In order to increase awareness, the students are assigned unit-related homework at the beginning of the unit.
- It is important to use Turkish accurately in each class.
- Drama techniques are used to teach the classes and subjects when appropriate.
- The students are provided vast opportunities of investigation and achieving deep learning without worrying about their grades by organizing extra-curricular student workshops and conferences.
- In language classes, the activities are mainly intended to develop writing skills.
- Book reading and analysis activities are carried out.
- Project-based group works are carried out.
- The students are encouraged to be engaged in academic activities outside the school where they will have a chance to work with peers from other schools.
- The teachers’ opinions are received to identify students’ interests, abilities and skills and the result is shared with the parents and students in writing.
- The classes are created in a heterogeneous way by considering the academic levels of the students.
- The exam questions are designed to measure the ability to transfer and interpret knowledge.
- The parents are given information about the academic programs and goals of the school.
- Attention is paid to make sure that the student assessment in music, visual arts and physical education classes is based on the student performance.
- The students attend the student conferences in Turkey and abroad as work groups.
- The students who struggle in courses are provided support in and outside the class.
- The students are provided support through a peer tutoring system as well.
- The academic groups share their good works with each other as an example.
- The students are provided university preparation classes.
- The second foreign language is taught beginning in grade five.
- Within the framework of the career consultancy services, the students are provided internship-observation-trip activities intended to give them information about the professions beginning from the middle school.
- The teacher trainings which are organized after a needs analysis and are intended to improve teachers’ teaching methods and techniques are provided in a process-oriented way.
- Each student is offered academic support depending on their performance.
- Alternative means of measurement and assessment are used depending on the content of the subjects.
- The school aims to keep the teaching hours optimum in order to increase the quality of the academic work.
- The school aims to increase the Second Foreign Language class hours.
- The school aims to offer the students classes on reading comprehension and effective ways of learning.
- The students know Atatürk’s principles well and follow them.
- They believe in, protect and maintain the values of the Republic.
- They have the spirit of TED Istanbul College; they have a strong sense of belonging to the school and they are proud to be a student/graduate of TED İstanbul Koleji.
- They have vision.
- They are responsive towards the environment.
- They have developed awareness about the national and universal issues.
- They are sensitive and respectful towards arts and artists.
- They can play an instrument.
- They have basic knowledge about and skills in visual arts.
- They have developed the habit of doing sports.
- They have a hobby that they deal with to the benefit of the society.
- They are responsive to the social problems.
- They are actively involved in and contribute to the non-governmental organizations.
- They work for the non-governmental organizations to benefit the humankind.
- They have strong problem-solving skills.
- The students are encouraged to take part in social, cultural and art activities.
- The students are offered values training to make sure that they learn how to embrace their work and feel committed to complete it.
- The students are assigned tasks to improve their sense of responsibility.
- A school-wide policy has been internalized and is practiced to promote being extroverted rather than introverted.
- Several activities are organized to promote the development of real-life related knowledge and skills.
- The Student Unions act like the decision-making mechanism of the school.
- The Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department provides feedback to the teachers about the individual progress of each student.
- The Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department carries out applied counseling activities promoting personal development.
- The students are offered opportunities of public speaking.
- The students complete 25 hours of community services in a year.
- They engage in social responsibility projects.
- The students and teachers are in communication with each other during the extracurricular activities as well.
- The students are assigned school-related tasks that will contribute to their development.
- The bulletin boards are prepared by the students.
- The class presidents carry out active work about their classes.
- The shy students are identified and they are assigned curricular and extra-curricular activities.
- Events like TIUF and EnvironmenTED are organized where the students produce solutions to national and global issues with their peers and in these organizations each student assumes a different task.
- Every year, a “Trip Day” is organized for the students in grades 5-11 to make sure that they learn about the history of their city. After the trip, the students make presentations about their learning.
- In the middle school, a trip called “Step-By-Step Turkey” is organized so the students learn about the different parts of their country.
- Drama activities are introduced to develop speaking and self-expression skills and to build self-confidence.
- The Peer Tutoring Project is intended to make sure that the older students provide support to the younger students about developing social skills.
- A manners course is being planned.
- Several workshops are organized to improve students’ communication and empathy skills.
- The students are given the opportunity to share their experiences from the events they were involved in with their friends during the counseling period.