In the primary school, the Science is taught beginning from the 1st grade. Our school aims to make sure that all the students are raised as science-literate individuals in the Science and Science Laboratory classes and. Accordingly, the school strives to instill the followings in our students:

  • They grow up as individuals who research, inquire with a scientific point of view, comment, and approach the science subjects with love, interest, and curiosity.
  • They understand the concepts of Science and use them in daily life.
  • They understand that the science is universal and it is the result of the joint efforts of all the scientists from around the world. They appreciate all the works carried out for the development of science.
  • They know the scientists who significantly contributed to the society.
  • They understand the contribution of science to the development of technology and the solution of social problems and by reasoning about this, they offer design proposals about age-appropriate issues.
  • They care about the daily issues in the society, nature and environment and they take responsibility.
  • They realize the mutual interaction between the natural environment and people; they feel responsible for protecting the natural environment and resources and they display correct behaviors.
  • They conduct experiments about Science subjects; they use the tools and materials correctly in the experiments; they can show and interpret the results of the observations and experiments orally, in writing, pictures or graphics.
  • They realize the importance of safety in scientific activities and they act in accordance with the safety rules when they conduct or are involved in scientific work.
  • They keep up with the recent developments in science and technology and they do research about them. They also follow up with the age-appropriate and reliable science periodicals and documentaries.


  • In Science courses, the students learn by doing and experiencing and having fun without memorizing. The lessons are planned to make sure that the students actively participate and the teachers act like a facilitator and the learning environment is designed accordingly (experiments, projects, model making, observation, activities, games, discussions, cooperative learning, research).
  • The teaching methods that are appropriate for the subject structure and content are identified by the group teachers. The teachers who teach the same grade level make sure that the practices are carried out in the same way in each class.
  • The subjects are related with the daily life and environment.
  • Technologic applications, smart boards and simulations are used to have the students understand the subjects.
  • The Science Laboratory is actively used by the 1st and 2nd graders in the Life Sciences course; by the 3rd and 4th graders in the Science courses by paying attention to the safety and hygiene rules. In the laboratory, each student has the opportunity to do experiment and observe and interpret its results.
  • The students are assigned research tasks about their areas of interest. The students’ lacks in the research process are individually identified and the correct research skills are developed during the process under the guidance of the teacher. The teachers have the students discover that the research is an inseparable part of the scientific process.
  • In order to reinforce learning, science, space, nature and technology-themed trips are organized where the students can increase their knowledge.
  • The international curricula are examined and the useful examples are practiced in the class.
  • The information is not given to the students directly in neither the class activities nor the laboratory experiments so the students develop drawing conclusion skills. The students are encouraged to discover it.
  • The works carried out throughout the week and homework are sent to the students via Google Classroom.


Throughout the year, the students’ performance is assessed based on the followings:

    • Submitting work and homework on time,
    • Active participation in the class,
    • Individual and group activities,
    • Performance tasks based on the understanding by design model plans.
  • The grading will be done in the fourth grade according to the assessment activities to be provided based on the instructions to be issued by the Ministry of Education.