Job announcements for administrators and faculty are made via the social media and the school website. All the applications received are saved by the Human Resources Department in an application pool.
Faculty applications are evaluated by considering if the applicant can be appointed according to the Regulations of the Ministry of National Education and if s/he has experience.
As for Mathematics and Science branches, the applicants are required to be proficient in English.
After evaluation, the applicants having the required qualifications are invited for an interview. The applicants are invited to give a sample class session if they are found to have the required knowledge, skills, and vision, and those who are found eligible as a result of the sample class session are offered a job. The information that belongs to the candidates who have not been offered a position are kept in the application pool for one year to be considered in the future and the applicants are informed of the result of their application in writing.
The institution employs highly experienced foreign faculty members from other countries as well. The majority of the foreign teachers are recruited from among the applicants who reside in Turkey or abroad and the interviews are held online or in the school.
The same procedure applies to evaluate the applications of the instructors and hourly-waged teachers.
Staff Applications:
The vacancy announcements for manager, specialist, secretary, officer, technical staff, support services staff, etc. positions are made via the social media or the school website. The applicants are interviewed by the manager of the related department and the Human Resources Manager.