The students can effectively express themselves in English orally and in writing.
They can fluently communicate in English everywhere including the places where the English is the mother tongue.
They can use the strategies of effective listening in several situations and environments.
They gain the habit of reading books and making presentations in the target language by seeing English as part of their lives.
They know and use the writing genres and their characteristics.
They analyze and interpret texts in different forms such as letters, e-mails, stories, poems, paragraphs and articles and they write similar texts.
They gain the skill of analyzing the English media messages in different forms (advertisements, animations, blogs, films, posters, brochures, news, etc.) and they can produce different types of media content.
They relate the acquisitions they gain while learning language with real life.
They develop analytical and creative thinking skills.
They develop researching skills.
They get to know about and respect different cultures and lives.

The middle school English program has been designed to develop the students’ analytical thinking, applying active reading strategies, and academic and creative writing skills by introducing different types of literary works. The program also helps the students develop their ability to express themselves fluently in writing and verbally and improve their vocabulary and grammar skills.
Until the end of the 8th grade, the students have the opportunity to improve their language skills, critical thinking skills and creativity through articles, quotes from several novels, stories, poems, news, novel analyses, social and environmental issues, biographies, interviews, values, drama practices, research activities, project works, public speaking and effective presentation techniques, creative writing, paragraph writing activities and essay writing activities.
While the students develop their mindset by analyzing the texts stimulating their imagination and feelings, they learn about life, literature and language by using their English knowledge.
They realize that the literature enriches their experience of life including personal experiences, social understanding, and responsibilities.
They respect different cultural perspectives.
With the working and learning skills introduced alongside the language skills, the students learn the information, skills and attitudes needed to become lifelong learners and they understand that the language is a tool which facilitates communication.
The subjects are covered by making use of theme-related videos, interactive activities and digital games and at least one story or poem is read about each subject.
In each grade level, a grammar or workbook is used. The students who need grammar support are assigned additional homework on our school’s portal according to their level and needs. In each grade level, the vocabulary journals created by the teachers and digital sites and games offered on the portal are used for vocabulary activities.
The new 5th graders who come from other schools and whose English level is not enough to follow our program attend another English program in another class and they achieve the same level with our students at the end of one year.

The followings are taken into consideration to assess the class performance throughout the year:
Language progress,
Oral performance in the class,
Exams, project works and presentations,
Attitude towards the class and learning, interest, and effort.
2 written exams are given each semester.
In addition to grading, the students are provided oral and verbal feedback at every stage of the process of learning. They are also given information about their stage in the process of learning and what goals they should set for the next stage.
With writing activities, projects and presentations, the students assess themselves and their peers and thus, they provide feedback. Thus, the students are involved in the process of learning, assume the responsibility of their learning and work to learn, not to get marks.